© Nicole Hesse, Tourismusverband Sächsische Schweiz

The path of inspiration

Short facts

  • start: Pirna Copitz
  • destination: Pirna Copitz
  • medium
  • 17,66 km
  • 5 hours 30 minutes
  • 185 m
  • 229 m
  • 114 m

In the footsteps of Richard Wagner through Liebethaler Grund

Winter refreshment open:

Romantik Hotel Deutsches Haus

Platzhirsch Pirna

Café Kaffeerösterei Schmole

Restaurant Lazy Laurich

Tour dashboard


  • Street (12%)
  • Asphalt Coating (46%)
  • Crushed Rock (8%)
  • Hiking Trail (12%)
  • Path (22%)


General information

Next steps

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