© Philipp Zieger

Bad Schandau – a winter dream

Health resort in the heart of Saxon Switzerland

Theodor Körner discovered in 1806 a “place of nature’s power and splendour”:  Schandau.

While the poet was still a student then, the small former shipping town had developed into a popular travel destination by that time. Later, the lovely retreat in the valley of the Elbe River and its tributary Kirnitzsch was promoted to “Bad”, a spa. Maybe it is due to its panoramic views, maybe it was the clear air, maybe its vicinity to the wilderness of the outer parts of Saxon Switzerland, the fact stands: Schandau does you good. It is something you can’t scale. Only feel.

In the hustle and bustle of summer, the wondrous healing power of the famous health resort almost gets a little lost. In the winter clarity and calmness it is however all the more effective. When walking in the nearby core zone of the National Park, silence soothes like a balm the hiker’s soul and senses. Thoughts may be finished, new ideas may arise. Rest, exercise and creativity – these are in fact the topics of Bad Schandau’s proposals for a revitalizing winter time off. Check in, take a breath, recharge your batteries. Bad Schandau is looking forward to you!



Pravčická Gate (Pravčická brána)


© České Švýcarsko, o. p. s., ?

Elbhotel Bad Schandau

Bad Schandau

© CC-BY-SA | Elbhotel Mitzscherlich GmbH


Bad Schandau

© Philipp Zieger, Tourismusverband Sächsische Schweiz

Circular hike with René Prokoph trail

Bad Schandau

© Madlen Rogge / Tourismusverband Sächsische Schweiz e.V., Tourismusverband Sächsische Schweiz

Over hill and dale to Rathmannsdorf, Porschdorf and Prossen

Bad Schandau

© Rico Richter, Tourismusverband Sächsische Schweiz

From Schmilka to the Kipphorn

Bad Schandau

© Anne Seltmann / STAATSBETRIEB SACHSENFORST Nationalparkverwaltung Sächsische Schweiz, Tourismusverband Sächsische Schweiz

Ridge walk on the Schrammsteine

Bad Schandau

© © Nationalparkverwaltung Sächsische Schweiz, Anne Seltmann / STAATSBETRIEB SACHSENFORST Nationalparkverwaltung Sächsische Schweiz

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